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1.Illusion of Time

Illusion of Time My works of art are all influenced by my life experiences. Illusion of Time- this series is about TIME, and reading too much of Dali’s book, seeing time travel movies, and listening to motivational speeches has made […]

2.Beyond Life

Beyond Life “Beyond Life” is a series representing the vision beyond life. The digital artworks in this series were inspired by ideas I received in my dreams. I began creating these pieces in various forms, each depicting a unique vision. […]

3.My World II

My World II My World II, is a concept in which I have captured the truth behind the actual reality. These works are not meant to follow the true aesthetics of beauty but they are meant to show the real […]

Mon ‒ Fri: 10 am ‒ 07 pm
Sat ‒ Sun: 09 am ‒ 05 pm

1:1 Session : Jul 27, 2024
Group Sessions: TBA
Online Webinar : Bi-monthly
